Curtain Razors operates on the traditional lands of Nēhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota Lakota and Nakoda Nations and the homeland of the Métis. We are fully aware of the urgent need for healing relationships with land and people, through kind action, intentional creativity, and choosing to renounce white supremacy.
Live. Here. Now.
CURTAIN RAZORS | nurtures, develops, and presents original Saskatchewan work that challenges the boundaries of theatre and upholds the artist and audience as co-creators of live performance. We are committed to creative self-determination. We support local, interdisciplinary artists in developing unique, sustainable, and meaningful processes. We explore the boundaries of theatre – both in how we create & how we define what constitutes a theatrical event.
We continually nurture projects at various stages, from conception to exploration and incubation to production. Check out Our Projects for more information about current and past work. We are: